"In Darkness I will be waiting, In Darkness I will be anticipating "
- Spiritus "The Dark Prince"
"I felt an evolution of sorts coming pre 2020 and late dark season of 2019 things started to change in a more within me. "
Darkest Greetings! Welcome to my website. I am Spiritus Nocturnus (Better yet known as Spiritus Leach "The Dark Prince')
It was in the year of 2016 A.D I had a vision in mind and in that vision I felt the world changing for the worst. Later on their was four Blood Moons followed by a Solar Eclipse and in the year 0f 2019 A.D I felt that a shift was set more in motion by the planets and the realm of the unseen.
In those last days I felt that I also was changing but the question to me is how?
As above, so below )0(
In the last segment of the year which I call the Dark Season or the Season Of The Dead.
It all came to me...I've seen ruin devastation more civil uprisings etc. I went through in my previous past dealing with what I had and trying to make things worthwhile while still other issues coming from a troublesome past. Then I noticed around me the old world was fading away and so was my former self though I continued on feeling different. My focus was changed from that of the past into something more futuristic. A grim and bleak future I may add....
Soon afterwards an evolution took place...
It was an upgraded version of Spiritus Leach known as Spiritus Nocturnus.
Still never forgetting of who I am and what my life purpose is , what brought me to this certain point in life. Dealing with many troubles and more. Still Never forgetting what I am spiritually as a Witch, an Indigo Starseed- Dark Angel among other things.
At heart my focus was still set into the metaphysics and now the political workings of this new digital dystopian age.
Working within other more uncharted realms of thought and artistry and at the same time going against the corrupt powers to be in these modern times
Going against the grain purposely and willingly
Spiritus is a rebel not only that but mostly Rebel Of Rebels.
In this new era of 2020 and beyond I've continued to create Electronic music though it may differ from my previous Spiritus Leach more avant-garde or classical horror brooding workings remembered as Ghoulwave . The music that is created at this time is known as Synthwave ,Dark Synthwave with a current focus on the hard times in this gloomy dystopian atmosphere that surrounds the world. .
May you enjoy my artistic workings )0( V'''''''V